The Carnival

In the past few years, I’ve intentionally started working with my intuition in order to help me unlock certain mysteries or blocks that live inside of me. One tool I use is to pay close attention to the pictures and symbols that appear in my space while drifting off to sleep. This is a really powerful experience. 

Over time, I have practiced NOT cycling through the next days “to-do” list or the cyclone of worrying thoughts that would feed off my anxious mind. Instead, I ground myself by noticing the energy in my space that is not mine and I send it away on a powerful waterfall or tree root system that goes wayyyy down to the bottom of the earth. Once I clear these colorful masses, I have a clean palate from which to work. 

Here’s where my imagination is unleashed. In this space, I sometimes receive messages … like things I want to write about or share. In the past few days, the word spirituality has lingered in my being and then suddenly…. a huge carnival scene hit me in the head. That’s it! A perfect visual to create from.

So picture this… there are a few scenes from your typical carnival or county fair that very much mirror my opening with this spiritual/soulful journey. First, there’s the cotton candy. There are those sweet moments when you think about someone special and they call, or you’re humming a tune and you turn on your car and the same song is playing. It is also those moments you start to notice a few re-occurring signs, symbols or animals that show up in your daily life. It’s the moment you start to piece it altogether and you’re like “wow.. that’s so cool!” That is the sweetness of the universe asking you over for a play date.

Next, there is the thrill. I’m talking about the swings that soar high in the sky and go round and round…but it feels happy and fun and thrilling. Well anyway, that is the intense deja-vu moment where you are wracking your brain trying to figure out what just happened and why. It is also the dream you had that makes you suddenly remember something you’d been trying to figure out for a while. These are very powerful and thrilling moments…it’s beyond the “wow” and instead makes your heart skip a beat.

Then there are the roller coasters. I won’t ride one in the physical world, but in the spiritual realm, I’ve experienced them a few times. And let’s just say, these are the roller coasters that go upside down, forwards and backwards and then stop suddenly only to go plummeting down the other side. These are the moments your world goes silent, you sense something happening far away, only to later find out it’s actually true. These are also the moments you have an overwhelming gut feeling that something bad is about to happen and five minutes later it unfolds right before your eyes. In other words, the universe whispers and then those whispers grow louder until we finally say “Yes. I will pay attention now.”

The last “county fair” moment I want to bring to life is that of the people, young and old, passing you in the crowd. I know you know the moment. Your hand is pulling apart the funnel cake or you’re waiting in line to buy more tickets and then suddenly… THERE THEY ARE. You’ve never seen that person in your life, but your eyes meet and you say “I know you.” In a strange way, you give a spiritual nod and you move on through the crowd. Well, most likely, you do know that person but they are not from this life. 

So, as I write, the chorus “put a little love in your heart” echoes in the background. I invite you inward. Find solace in your heart space. That is your home. This is your creativity. This is where your imagination can unleash. Engage with your world from this place. This soulful place. That is you and now, see what happens.


Wax On, Wax Off


The “S” Word