For The Love Of Garbage

Writing this blog felt like tending to a rusty wheel. It was something I played with for a while, became a bit agitated by, and then hastily threw it into my imaginary dusty writer’s closet. So now, like the Tin Man, I attempt to bring it back to life. Can you hear the Tin Man’s oil can?

I’ve recently become more intentional with the cycles of the moon. I’ve always felt innately connected to this remarkable event, one that has been around forever and yet, I never really did much about it. Of course, I’d admire it, I’d say “Isn’t that pretty?” to anyone who would listen and then I’d snap 54 pictures in a row. One of these will definitely capture it right? Nope, hardly. 

As I continue to dive into the realm of spirituality, intuition and mediumship (I named it!), I’ve enjoyed bringing new rituals and routines into my life. For example, I drink my moon water, I set new intentions and attempt to name and release what no longer serves me (all easier said then done.) 

So, in celebration of the act of release, I’d like to share a quick story about my dad. And yes, it’s all about garbage.

My father loves his garbage. Growing up, Wednesday night often had a celebratory hum as we prepared for garbage day the next morning. I can still hear the scrape of the can down our driveway, as my dad would tend to the lids and the recycling bins like they were another child. Boxes were broken down and everything was lined up just so. 

When Thursday morning arrived, he was often caught watching the garbage men and women through his bathroom window. He’d engage in a quiet conversation with himself while praising the work of the collectors. He loved knowing that his garbage was carefully gathered up and that his cans were kindly placed back where they were found.

I thought about this funny relationship as I wrestled with the ceremony of release and letting go. Like my dad, why can’t I take better care of the practice of release? Can I love and tend to that which no longer serves me, while releasing in LOVE instead of suffering?

As I prepare, once again, to cleanse my spiritual and emotional self, I vow to love this process. I vow to be gentle with myself. I vow to ask the universe “Am I ready to release this?” (Thank you Erin for this suggestion!). Sometimes we aren’t ready to let go… our minds say yes and our hearts say no! And yes, that is ok too. 

Dear Blue Moon, I release one layer of all my fears. I love you. You protected me for a long time and now, I let you go. 

You’re turn…..


English Is My First Language


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